The Rise of New Cultural Networks in Asia in the Twenty-First Century
An ARC-funded Discovery Project (DP1096041), 2010-2012
With Dr Caroline Turner, hosted by The Australian National University.
About the project
Understanding Asia's dramatically changing cultural climate is fundamental to Australia's future cultural engagement with the region, consistent with the National Research Priority goal to 'understand our region and the world'. This project will document and improve understanding of new Asian art and art museum-related cultural networks, shedding light on their regional and global profiles and interactions. It will enhance understanding of Australia's role in creative industries and networks in Asia, providing a platform for future Australian policy and participation in these networks. Such knowledge will build Australia's research base on Asian art, museums and culture, and enhance Australia's collaborations and connectivity with Asia.
Alongside convening the major international conference The World and World-Making in Art (hosted by the Humanities Research Centre (anu.edu.au)), a number of key publications were produced from this research including:
Antoinette, M. & Turner, C., 2014, Contemporary Asian Art and Exhibitions: Connectivities and World-making. Canberra, ACT, Australia: The Australian National University.
Antionette, M. Epilogue - 'My future is not a dream': Shifting worlds of contemporary Asian art and exhibitions. In Contemporary Asian Art and Exhibitions: Connectivities and World-making, eds Antoinette, M. & Turner, C. Canberra, ACT, Australia: The Australian National University, 2014.
Antoinette, M. Introduction Part 2 - Asia Present and Resonant: Themes of Connectivity and World-making in Contemporary Asian Art. In Contemporary Asian Art and Exhibitions: Connectivities and World-making, eds Antoinette, M. & Turner, C. Canberra, ACT, Australia: The Australian National University, 2014.
Caroline Turner & Michelle Antoinette, ‘Introduction: The World and World-Making in Art’, Humanities Research, 2013
Zara Elizabeth Stanhope & Michelle Antoinette, ‘The World and World-Making in Art: Connectivities and Differences’, World Art, 2012